
Positive thinking focuses your mental and emotional attitude on the bright side of life and expects positive results.  Keeping a positive mindset will affect your health as well as your overall state of wellbeing.  When you experience pleasant and happy feelings your eyes become brighter, you have more energy, and happiness becomes contagious. Your voice is also more powerful, you walk taller, and display positive body language. Negative thoughts, words and attitude create negative and unhappy feelings, moods and behavior. This leads to toxins being released into your blood stream causing more imbalance and negativity.  So it is important to keep everything positive in your life.


16 ways to help you keep a positive mindset

1). Ignore negative people, and what they say about you. Only focus on the positive aspects of yourself.

2). Use your imagination and visualize positive and beneficial things happening in your life.

3). Focus on using positive words when speaking with others and your inner dialogue.

4). Smile more

5). If you start thinking negatively quickly replace those negative thoughts with positive ones.

6). Start living in the moment instead of the past or future. You can’t change the past, and if you are happy now, your future will tend to be happy also.

7). Read positive thinking books to help you with your transition to a more positive way of life.

8). Believe you can succeed.

9). Engage in physical activity.

10). Watch a funny movie.

11). Surround yourself with people who are positive and happy.

12). Believe you deserve good things in your life.

13). Find beauty in everything.

14). Be OK with change.

15). Meditate. Meditation will help your mind become clear which encourages positive thought.

16). Create a vision board. This will help you concentrate and maintain focus on the good things you want in your life.

The Laws of attraction state that positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences.