March is National Nutrition Month, now is the perfect time to take your health to the next level and share with the word your love of our products. Our customers testimonials are real and from the heart. We are giving our valued customers the opportunity to earn cash and get whole sale prices.
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It’s that simple: If they buy three boxes, you get $12. If they buy 5 boxes, you get $20. If they by 50 boxes, you get $200. Not only do you get paid when people buy from your link, you can also get paid when your friends and associates refer other people. It’s like this: Let’s say you refer Person A. When Person A buys, you get $4 for every box Person A purchases. But you can suggest to Person A that they also sign up for Co-E1 Rewards and get paid. When Person A shares their link with Person B and Person B purchases, Person A gets $4 for every box Person B buys. But since you referred Person A in the first place, you also get $3 for every box Person B buys. And this goes for two more levels. You’d get $2 for every box Person C (Level 3 referral) buys and $1 for every box Person D (Level 4 referral) buys.
Payouts are made via PayPal every month to all participants who have at least $50 pending payouts accrued. If you have less than $50 in payouts pending, the money remains on your account until it exceeds $50. Once it’s more than $50, you are paid on the 1st of the next calendar month.
Find out more here!
March is all about nutrition and eating here are a few tips to eating right and having fun making changes.
At the Grocery Store:
When shopping, make it a point to try new things. Try a new fruit, vegetable or whole grain every week. You’ll be surprised to find a new favorite.
Eating at Restaurants:
The nest time you and your family head out to eat, choose restaurants that feature ethnic foods from places like Asia, Europe, or Africa. These restaurant often feature menus filled with healthy alternative options that will be new to you. You can also do a little research and find local restaurants that specialize in using local seasonal ingredients.
Cooking at Home:
Add variety to your staple dishes by varying the ways you cook them. In stead of frying grill or broil chicken, instead of baking fish, grill it. Mash the potatoes you usually roast. Steam your vegetables instead of sauteing them. Get to know your spice cabinet, not only are spices good for your body and curing many ailments, they add new flavors and fun to your old dishes.